Saturday, September 22, 2012

Styles 9/22/2012

In my argument of definition of the idea of a "useful job," I believe I employ the middle style because I do not like being too formal, and for my definition, I think that the low style would not convey my ideas in the right sense. I think my word choice promotes the idea of seriousness rather than playfulness. I think my sentence structure is varied, but could be more varied, which I will look at when I go through my paper again. In my paragraph that looks at the opposition's views, I think I use parallelism in order to argue against their ideas. I think my rhythm could use some extra attention because my use of quotes which should aid in my definition detract from the overall feel of the essay. I do use figurative language, but I could add much more. I need to add more comparisons in order to prove why my definition is better that the one I am arguing against. 

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