Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Visual Argument 10/3/2012

Audi vs BMW billboard

This image is an old one, but I think it argues a clear point in a way thatis funny yet non-confrontational. This image could only be seen from certain vantage points in California when the bilboards were up, a strategic move by BMW. Obviously, the larger billboard was a comical answer to Audi's smaller one that says "Your move BMW." The creators of the larger sign want the people who view both to see that BMW has a better car than the Audi. The way they present this makes it stick in peoples' minds because it is funny. I saw this picture probably 5 years ago and this was the first thing that I thought of when I though of a visual argument.
If the text was taken away, then I don't think that it would be as lasting in peoples' minds because there really is no other humor other than the overly large size of the second billboard. To understand these visual arguments, one must be aware the Audi and BMW produce similar luxury vehicles at similar prices. This visual would not work if the companies were Honda and Ferrari, but since Audi and BMW are so similar, it works. The bigger billboard is trying to be more prominent in a funny way which leaves a lasting impression on one seeing these two advertisements. The simple word "checkmate" was chosen as a simple response to the taunting of "Your move, BMW." Any other word or phrase on the BMW billboard would not have the same effectiveness of "checkmate."
The colors are reversed for both signs (white with black, black with white) in order to create a sharp contrast between the two companies. Obviously, BMW is arguing that its car is better than the Audi which is emphasized with the color scheme, and the text. I think the BMW symbol stands out better than the Audi symbol because of the black background, so it leaves a longer impression of BMW in your mind.


  1. Awesome choice for your visual argument! I live in California and I know when these ads came about because everyone was talking about it. BMW, like you said, obviously has the superiority in this situation because of the black background and white sleek car. These ads are an arugment for themselves between the two companies. This is hilarious and it was karma to Audi for creating such a statement. BMW obviously reacted fast, and created an ad that put Audi to shame. Good example for your visual argument blog!

  2. I'm glad we got to talk about your blog post in class today only because I had never seen it before and I also thought it was cleverly funny. The colors on each billboard being opposite from one another is really what catches someone's eye because like you said in class the white BMW on the black background definitely stands out more than the Audi does. The "Checkmate" title of BMW is the most genius part of the billboard because of the position. I though you picked a great picture and it definitely define a visual argument.

  3. I had to comment on this because I thought this was a great example. One thing though I thought about was you said that you did not think that it would last in people's minds without text. I agree that it would be as obvious but I think the visuals alone make the argument. If I saw this without text out there I could see that BMW is trying to outdo Auddi. Which I think is so interesting about visual communications that a message like that can be clear without very many clues.

  4. I loved your post, Troy!! I thought it was so funny when we looked at it in class today. I think you did a great job analyzing and I really like what you said about the add being funny but non-confrontational. I completely agree with that! I feel like it would not have had the same effect if it had been a confrontational add; it would have lost a lot of its appeal. I also thought the color contrast was interesting. It was very smart of BMW to do the opposite of Audi, and also as you said, the black with white on the BMW add is much more powerful and lasting. I think the add is very playful and fun and makes the viewer see BMW in a positive light. I'm glad that you posted this picture!

  5. I really enjoyed reading your post. You analyzed this very well. I agree with you when you say that the fact that these two billboards are responding to each other makes it really comical. Clearly the Audi billboard was put up before BMW and BMW then retaliated. It is a perfect example of a visual argument and an example of competition between corporations. Also, you bring up a good point that the contrast in the colors also makes the argument very clear. BMW tried to outdo Audi with the black background and white car instead of black car and white background.
