Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Analyzing Ad Analysis 10/10/2012

In the picture ad where the man's lower half is staring at the mannequin in red lingerie, the author of the analysis convinced me of his opinion on the ad. He talks about the intended and unintended messages taken away by the viewer. His last paragraph left me thinking with his sentence, "It stereotypes women as sex objects, and even stereotypes men as always desiring sex." His incorporation of his perception of the intended message was also interesting, "The intended message of the ad appears to be that if men use Axe Essence body spray, they will attract sexy women in lingerie, and will lust for those women over their ordinary girlfriends." I didn't necessarily think that same thing, but it does make sense when looking at the picture again. He incorporates the meaning of the text in with his analysis of the intended meaning and uses those words to emphasize his idea of the intended meaning. I think he thinks outside the box when asking the question; why couldn't it be the man's upper half staring at the lingerie? I did not think about this at first but it makes perfect sense now! He failed to emphasize the colors that stand out, which is really only the red lingerie to me. all the other colors are pastels so they don't really pop out of the picture like the red does. The color thing would have made his view even stronger. The author did a good job with the analysis and calling attention to things a lot of people wouldn't normally pick up on. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say that you think the author thought outside the box when drawing attention to the aspect of color. When I first looked at the article my eye was drawn immediately to the red lingerie because it is the brightest color in the picture. I think it is interesting that the upper half of the guy isn't standing in front of the lingerie because it is a very eye catching color. When I looked closer and thought more about the ad and the color aspect I thought that maybe that is part of the point of the ad also, that the lingerie is brightly colored but that isn't what draws the man to the window, its the sexiness of what is on the mannequin that keeps his lower half at the window. Talking about the color aspect in this ad is great!
