Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chapter 15 11/14/2012

Reading chapter 5 has made me more aware of how presentations impact those who view it. I do not agree that a print presentation is easier or is the best way to deliver a presentation like the book says on page 467. I think that electronic presentations are more interactive and make people more involved in what is going on. When using different media, it is important to make visuals clear and easy to see/read. Otherwise, the audience does not want to pay attention or even remember the purpose of your presentation. I think our group should use mostly electronic media in our presentation with print supplements that make viewing our plans easier. My most memorable presentations incorporated Prezi, an electronic media that is similar to powerpoint, except more advanced and interactive. Making a clear and concise presentation will create the most interest and make out presentation memorable.

1 comment:

  1. You are dead on! Print presentations are not nearly as engaging as digital presentations. However, printed material can support a digital presentation by giving the audience a guide to follow along and also refer back to any previous points made . Also, you can add videos to a digital presentation and obviously a printed handout doesn't support that. Technology has made the life of a presenter much easier, and digital media in my mind is the most effective tool to use for a presentation.
